Global Peace Walk
The Global Peace Walk was suspended on the 15th March 2020 in Yerevan, Armenia due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. We plan to resume the march at the same time in 2021 to complete the last 6 months and walk to Geneva. There are six walks leaving from France and arriving into Geneva on 25th September. A celebratory meal will be held in Geneva on 26th September.
Follow the walks from France:
UK Walk 21st September 2020
We are walking between Birmingham Council House and Tyseley Incinerator, to highlight the problems and solutions, and show solidarity with the affected
communities we walk through. What’s the problem with Tyseley Incinerator? Tyseley Incinerator is where Birmingham’s general waste is currently burned – the plant is the biggest single source of carbon dioxide emissions in the city.
What could happen to this waste instead?
Food waste could be collected separately and ‘anaerobically digested’ (a bit like composting, but on a large scale). More of our paper, metal, glass and plastic could be recycled. The small amount of waste that is left would be cause less damage being buried than burned.
Why are you saying this now?
The contract for this rubbish burning will soon be running out, but there is a possibility that it will be extended until 2034—which would not be compatible
with going net-zero carbon by 2030. So now is a good time to rethink how we deal with rubbish, and start putting in place the alternatives.
What can I do?
You can contact your councillor asking them to support alternatives to the incinerator. More info at
For anyone looking to write to their councillors please download this letter template here
For further information, please visit this website link here

The Meal 26th September 2020
Jaijagat2020UK in collaboration with Action Village India invites you to host a virtual or a real meal and join The Meal, a distanced, international meal to support Jai Jagat’s vision of global and local Justice and Peace. See and
Register on Eventbrite
With your free Eventbrite ticket, you get a pack of goodies:
- recipes from Madras Café’s new Cookbook
- a link to songs about Peace from around the world
- Snakes and Ladders game for all the family inspired by the Jai Jagat 2020 walk
There is opportunity to link up with the international activity of The Meal from 3-4pm on 26 September – the link will be sent to you nearer the day.
Donate whatever you are moved to contribute on
75% will go to support the rural communities which have been so severely affected by the Indian government’s response to the COVID-19 crisis. 25% towards Jaijagat2020UK to support ongoing activities in the UK
Please share photos of your virtual or real meal
to your Facebook and tag or share with @JaiJagat 2020 or or our email
And with our partner Action Village India’s Facebook – tag @Action Village India or email
You can use the hashtag #jaijagatmeal20