Jai Jagat is a wake-up call to respond to the deepening economic, social and environmental crisis. The campaign is an urgent appeal for people to transform and achieve one planet one people.
There are four pillars to the JAI JAGAT2020 global campaign:
- Eradicating Poverty
- Eliminating Social Exclusion
- Ameliorating the Climate Crisis
- Halting Conflict and Violence through peace making
Jai Jagat 2020 ‘On the move for Justice and Peace’ combines walking and dialogue to raise awareness and inspire individuals and communities to address issues at a local level around the four pillars. Jai Jagat 2020 brought together 50 walkers from India and international organisations with the aim to walk from Delhi to Geneva between October 2019 and September 2020. See the walkers and their testimonies on https://www.jaijagat2020.org/who-is-marching
Inspired by Gandhi’s vision of Nonviolence and his use of Satyagraha (translated as ‘truth-force’) provides us all with an inner power to overcome obstacles and bring about external change.
Sadly owing to the COVID – 19 pandemic, the Jai Jagat 2020 global walk had to be halted in Armenia (https://www.jaijagat2020.org/route-map-long-march). All the walkers have safely returned to their home bases in March 2020, whilst Rajagopal and Jill remain in Armenia and are hosting many peace conferences online. Plans to reconvene and host a public walk around Geneva (if restrictions are lifted) and a Forum in late September 2020 are being prepared.

JaiJagat 2020 UK Just Giving Page
Jai Jagat Commitment: https://www.jaijagat2020.org/copy-of-the-vision
Jai Jagat Manifesto: (version on MSD website page)
Global Peace March: https://www.jaijagat2020.org/route-map-long-march